I did some Wikiing and found out that Parkour and Free Running are TOTALLY different things. Imagine that! Parkour is a sport which one finds the quickest way to get over obstacles and the people doing that are called Traceur. It is limited to the amount of moves one can make as most Traceur only does stuff like jumps, grabs, vaults and the more known Tic-Tac. Free Running however, though follows some basics of Parkour, has a huge difference between them. Free Runners, tries to get past obstacles in a FLUENT way. A Runner can flip, spin or even sault if they want to but it still means getting past an obstacle. There is another sports called Tricking. One who practices these are usually called Trickster or Tricker. It's more of an extreme breakdance which is influent by many types of martial arts move such as the 540 kick from Taekwondo, butterfly twist from Wushu and double leg from Capoeira. I do shits like these too but I have no idea what to classify them by. I just do tricks with no intention of overcoming an obstacle but just for the fun of it. Usually on the spot for no apparent reason. Its like a combination of basic gymnastics, Free Running and rollerblading tricks. I've even made some shitty move called Figure Four Vault Hang where I just stop mid rail during a vault, supported by my LEFT hand and RIGHT leg which is positioned in a four.
Aden saw the light at 5:42 PM
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