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Planets Below

The aftermath of the run

where you raced for the sky,

is the beckoning of Gaia

calling you back,

as you look down on the planet.

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Thursday, January 10, 2008

Chap two

Chapter Two: The Gaps of Silence

Ryo left the town of Likia with a new found partner, Tanya, a travelling Healer and begin heading for his next destination. To the south, there is a castle. The people calls it a castle, but it was more of a fort. With stone walls towering over the buildings inside, casting shadows on the people who seek protection with the help of thousands of soilders, Zen Castle is a near inpenetrable place.

They set up camp in a small clearings, close to the main path but hidden enough to avoid bandits. Both sat around the campfire, silent with a blank look in their eyes. The fire crackled and shadow dance within the lighted areas of the trees.

Tanya had her hands balled up and is staring at them intensively while Ryo watch the fire dance above the sounds of cracking wood.

"So Ryo, where are you from?" Tanya said after a long period.

"I'm a Hymn, an outcast. I can't remember where I was from." Ryo replied so quickly and casually as if he was prepared and awaiting that question.

"I see..."

Silence took them again. An owl hoot in the distance while a wolf howl could be made out over the sound of the cricket.

"What bout' you?" This time, Ryo was the one who spoke.

"Me?" Tanya was unprepared, unlike Ryo. "W-Well, I'm from... I'm from- I'm sorry Ryo, I just don't feel comfortable saying it."

"Sure, ok."

The silent was mutually shared and both gaze up at the sky. By mere coincidence has these two gathered and they found out they have much similarities though barely any words were spoken. Both were outcast with what could be a complicated past. Such communication, is the gap between silence.

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Name: Ng Jun Xiang A.K.A: Aden, Benderboyboy, Bladebender, J-Boi, Ace, Tiki and many others which I cannot say. It might ruin the mystery.
Age: 16
Birthday: 19th February 1992
Occupation: Student, Writer
School: Republic Polytechnic, School of Information Technology, Diploma in Interactive Digital and Media
Hobbies: Gaming, Writing
Inspirations: Honey and Clover, Air Gear, Harry Potter, Velocity, Vantage Point

ENFP - "Journalist". Uncanny sense of the motivations of others. Life is an exciting drama. 8.1% of total population.
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